Interview better
with Talscale’s Codesync

Conduct paired-coding interviews with zero hassle, with Codesync’s easy-to-use interface and detailed reporting.
Add question from the library
Permitted languages
Toggle between questions
Real time run
In built audio and video chat
IDE like workspace

We are trusted by the best in the world

Detailed, informative reports for better decision making

Codesync reports to you everything you need to know about your candidate’s performance to make an informed decision.

Get Interview Insights
View question wise analysis
Review responses with code playbacks
Interview Notes
Arrow sign

Test knowledge and application

Assess the candidate’s in-depth knowledge as well as coding prowess, and observe their problem solving approach with a closer look into their work.

Arrow sign

Check communicative and collaborative skills

Collaborative IDE and in-built text and video chat for an enhanced paired coding experience, enables you to check the candidate’s ability of working and communicating in a team.

Arrow sign

Add structure to your interview process

Bid goodbye to hunting interview questions. Pick and choose from standardized programming tasks that are aligned to test candidate’s key skills and abilities.

Paired coding
interviews, done right

Codesync is ideal for conducting paired coding interviews, enabling you to observe candidates by working in close collaboration with them.
Pair coding interviews

How it works

Set up your interview

Step 1

Set up your interview

Invite your candidate

Step 2

Invite your candidate

Interview the candidate

Step 3

Interview the candidate

Get instant reports

Step 4

Get instant

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Hire Better.
Hire Quicker.

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